const __lang = {"footer":{"es":{"who":"¿Quienes somos?","bug":"¿Has encontrado algún problema?","contact":"Contacto","terms":"Términos de uso"},"en":{"who":"About us","bug":"Have you found a issue?","contact":"Contact","privacy":"Privacy Policy","terms":"Terms of use"}},"header":{"es":{"login":"Haz login con Twitch","meta_description":"Weezyx es una plataforma de apps para streamers. Juega con tus seguidores directamente desde el chat!","meta_keys":"twitch, plataforma de apps, plataforma de apps para streamers, plataforma de apps para stream, streamers, stream, bot para twitch, Chat bot, juegos para twitch, Overlay, Overlays, juego para twitch, herramientas para stream,herramientas para directos, chat, comandos, juego, juegos, jugar, comentarios, directo","payments_header":"Dinero generado"},"en":{"login":"Login with Twitch","meta_description":"Weezyx is an app platform for streamers. Play with your followers directly from the chat!","meta_keys":"twitch, streaming tools,app platform for streamers, app plataform, app platform for stream, games for twitch, game for twitch, Chat bot, Overlay, Overlays, Overlay manager, tools for streamers,stream, game, games, chat, command, play, comments, direct","payments_header":"Earned money"}},"payments":{"es":{"earned_money":"Dinero generado con donaciones","date":"Desde el %%DATE1%% al %%DATE2%%","earned_money_total":"Dinero disponible","days":"El dinero estará disponible tras %%DAYS%% días (Mínimo de %%AMOUNT%%)","paypal_login":"Estás conectado en Paypal como","logout":"Desconectar","send_to_paypal":"Enviar a Paypal","table_date":"Fecha","table_amount":"Cantidad","table_app":"Aplicación","table_created":"Mandado por","payments_table":"Pagos","payments_table_id":"Id","payments_table_date":"Fecha","payments_table_amount":"Cantidad","payments_table_finished":"Enviado","tips":"Donaciones","send":"El pago tardará como máximo 15 días
Vas a mandar %%AMOUNT%% a el siguiente usuario de Paypal","send_yes":"Si, mandar","send_no":"No, cancelar","error":"Ha ocurrido un error","done":"Se ha creado el pago
En un plazo máximo de 15 días te llegará a tu Paypal"},"en":{"earned_money":"Earned money by donations","date":"From %%DATE1%% to %%DATE2%%","earned_money_total":"Available money","days":"The money will be available after %%DAYS%% days (Minimum %%AMOUNT%%)","paypal_login":"You are connected in Paypal as","logout":"Logout","send_to_paypal":"Send to Paypal","table_date":"Date","table_amount":"Amount","table_app":"Application","table_created":"Send by","payments_table":"Payments","payments_table_id":"Id","payments_table_date":"Date","payments_table_amount":"Amount","payments_table_finished":"Sended","tips":"Donations","send":"The payment will take a maximum of 15 days
You have %%AMOUNT%% to send to the next Paypal user","send_yes":"Yes, send","send_no":"No, cancel","error":"An error has occurred","done":"The payment has been created
Within a maximum period of 15 days it will reach your Paypal"}},"home":{"es":{"apps_title":"Interactúa con tus seguidores en directo","apps_title2":"¡Sin instalar nada! Muy fácil","apps_title3":"Aquí tienes nuestras apps ¡Úsalas!","more":"Próximamente más","create":"¿Quieres crear tus propias apps? Pulsa aquí","use":"Usar","photos":"Ver fotos","videos":"Ver vídeo","win_money":"Gana dinero con esta app!"},"en":{"apps_title":"Interact with your followers in the stream","apps_title2":"Without installing anything! Very easy","apps_title3":"Here are our apps. Use them!","more":"More coming soon","create":"¿Do you want to create your own apps? Click here","use":"Use","photos":"Photos","videos":"Video","win_money":"Win money with this app!"}},"admin":{"es":{"title1":"Aquí tienes tu url (La amarilla. Púlsala para verla)","title1_bis":"Pégala en tu programa de stream como una fuente 'Navegador', a 1920x1080, si no sabes cómo, pulsa","title1_bis2":"Automáticamente, tus seguidores podrán interactuar con la app","title1_bis3":"No filtres esta url, si se te ha filtrado, pulsa","title1_click":"aquí","title2":"Desde el panel de control podrás manejar la app en tiempo real y poner todo a tu gusto.
Si le pasas el panel de control a un mod, este podrá hacerlo por ti.","button_open":"Panel de control de la app","for_qr":"También puedes abrir el panel de control con el móvil, escaneando este QR
Así te ahorras una ventana más en el PC","change_url1":"¿Se te ha filtrado la url?","change_url2":"Generar nueva url","change_url3":"Si generas una url nueva, la antigua dejará de servir","change_url4":"Mejor no","pay_uri_text1":"¡Con esta app te pueden mandar donaciones! Desde el panel de control puedes modificarlas","pay_uri_text2":"Desde esta url, tus seguidores podrán enviar las donaciones, pásala"},"en":{"title1":"Here is your url (The yellow. Click it to show)","title1_bis":"Put it in your stream program as a 1920x1080 'Browser source', if you don't know how, press","title1_bis2":"Automatically, your followers can interact with the app","title1_bis3":"Don't leak this url, if it has been leaked, press","title1_click":"here","title2":"In the control panel you can manage the app in real time and set everything to your like.
If you send the control panel to a mod, the mod can do it for you.","button_open":"App control panel","for_qr":"You can also open the control panel with your mobile, scanning this QR
You can save one more window on your PC","change_url1":"Has the url been leaked?","change_url2":"Generate new url","change_url3":"If you generate a new url, the old one can't be used","change_url4":"Better not","pay_uri_text1":"With this app they can send you donations! From the control panel you can modify them","pay_uri_text2":"From this url, your followers will be able to send the donations, pass it"}},"contact":{"es":{"titleA":"Ponte en contacto con nosotros","titleB":"¿Has encontrado algún error?","titleC":"¿Quieres desarrollar tus propias apps para streamers?
Es realmente fácil, si sabes html y javascript puedes hacerlo
Dejanos tu nombre y email y nos pondremos en contacto contigo","yourname":"Tu nombre","writeyourname":"Escribe tu nombre","yourmail":"Tu email","writeyourmail":"Escribe tu email","yourmessage":"Tu mensaje","writeyourmessage":"Escribe tu mensaje","theerror":"El error","writeerror":"Describe el error","send":"Enviar","finish1":"Gracias, hemos recibido tu mensaje","finish2":"Recibirás una respuesta pronto","finish3":"Volver"},"en":{"titleA":"Get in contact with us","titleB":"Have you found an issue?","titleC":"Do you want to develop your own apps for streamers?
It's really easy, if you know html and javascript you can do it
Leave us your name and email and we will contact you","yourname":"Your name","writeyourname":"Write your name","yourmail":"Your email","writeyourmail":"Write your email","yourmessage":"Your message","writeyourmessage":"Write your message","theerror":"The error","writeerror":"Issue description","send":"Send","finish1":"Thank you, we have received your message","finish2":"You will get an answer soon","finish3":"Go to home"}},"howto":{"es":{"text1":"¡Es muy fácil añadir una app a tu streaming!","text2":"Simplemente tienes que añadir una nueva fuente 'navegador' en tu programa de streaming y poner la url que te damos con una resolución de 1920x1080","text3":"Te explicamos cómo:","text4":"En el panel de 'Fuentes', pulsa sobre el botón + y seguidamente en 'Navegador'","text5":"Ponle el nombre que quieras a la fuente","text_extra1":"Pega la url que te damos, una resolución de 1920x1080 y guardaló.","text_extra2":"Ya estaría","text6":"En el panel de 'Fuentes', pulsa sobre el botón + y seguidamente en 'Fuente de navegador'","text7":"Elige 'Agregar una nueva fuente' y ponle el nombre que quieras","text8":"Abajo del todo, pulsa sobre 'Editar escena'","text9":"Seguidamente añade una nueva capa","text10":"Elige 'Origen del Navegador'"},"en":{"text1":"It's very easy to add an app to your streaming!","text2":"You simply have to add a new 'browser' source in your streaming program and put the url that we give you with a resolution of 1920x1080","text3":"We explain how:","text4":"In the 'Sources' panel, click on the + button and then on 'Browser'","text5":"Name the source as you want","text_extra1":"Paste the url that we give you, a resolution of 1920x1080 and save.","text_extra2":"Done!","text6":"In the 'Sources' panel, click on the + button and then on 'Browser source'","text7":"Choose 'Add a new source' and name it whatever you want","text8":"At the bottom, click on 'Edit scene'","text9":"Then add a new layer","text10":"Choose 'Browser Source'"}},"tip":{"es":{"text1":"Apoya a","text2":"Pulsa sobre la aplicación que quieras usar"},"en":{"text1":"Support","text2":"Click on the app you want to use"}}}